Tuesday, April 5, 2011

speaking of beautiful dive sites....we also have many unique underwater marine species...

ahhh....what a gorgeous underwater scenery......
meet the giant clam!.....we encountered this "monster" in one of our day dives somewhere in the underwater deep of Mindoro bay.   This creature was not scary or aggressive ...it was actually very tame....although we got as close as we can, we never attempted to touch it!  
Giant clams have a wildly undeserved reputation as man-eaters, with South Pacific legends describing clams that lie in wait to trap unsuspecting swimmers or swallow them whole. No account of a human death by giant clam has ever been substantiated, and scientists say its adductor muscles, used to close the shell, move far too slowly to take a swimmer by surprise. According to scientists even the largest specimen would simply retreat into its shell rather than attempt to swallow a diver.

an underwater encounter with a giant clam... 

...suiting up for the dive

the dive team....