Tuesday, May 31, 2011

SAVE THE CHILDREN...the abandoned...the neglected...the abused...the orphaned...

UNICEF estimates 220,000 children are living in the streets in 65 major cities of the Philippines. Many of these children were run-aways trying to escape the unbearable abuses of violent parents,  some were neglected because of poverty,  some were abandoned and some orphaned.   They survive by begging and many times through criminal activities either by choice or by force....after a long day in the streets trying to eke out a living, they end up sleeping in the sidewalks or under the bridges with cardboard boxes as protection from the elements...they don't have a place to call home.  According to a study,  many end up being used by syndicates in their criminal activities...and many  are lured to prostitution and victims of pedophiles.

The Philippine Government's effort to provide the necessary services to protect the street children fall way short in solving the problem.  Many orphanages and halfway houses all over the country were established by church based religious organizations and NGOs particularly foreign based  to fill the wide void--but still not enough to make a dent to the chronic problem of child poverty.

Faces of children in the orphanages and halfway houses...

Cebu City

faces of the children at the Franciscan Sisters of the Sacred Heart shelter in Cebu City ...

In the last few years that I have been regularly visiting the Franciscan Sisters children shelter in Cebu City, I see it as one good example and proof that early intervention will make a big difference in the lives and development of troubled children.  In this shelter facility,  the children are given the chance to live a normal childhood under the care of a loving environment.  The donated residential house in Guadalupe, Cebu was converted into children's home that shelters over 20 children in crowded sleeping quarters. The children are provided shelter, food, education and a loving care under the auspices of the Franciscan Sisters of the Sacred Heart.  However,  funding that comes solely from donations, is always inadequate.  The shelter is not subsidized by the Archdiocese of Cebu.   They have two high-school scholars and one college scholar that help the 3 Franciscan Sisters in caring for the children.

The children in the Franciscan Sisters shelter, ranging between 3-12 years of age,  are well trained and disciplined.  The older children take care of the younger ones. They help each other in their house chores and in their school homeworks.  Everyone has assigned chores...they were trained to wash their own clothes on a scheduled day during the week.  Friday is general clean-up day for everyone. They lose their TV privilege on Saturday afternoons if they fail to do their laundry in the morning.  The children are raised in a loving and caring environment which they probably never experienced before.

the Franciscan Sisters'  orphanage needs a bigger building...

school-age child do school work while the young ones take their scheduled afternoon nap...

Crowded orphanages and halfway houses can only take a limited number of children.  Funding is always a major issue for these children's homes.  They are independently operated and rely solely on donations to support the children in their care. No government subsidy is provided for these shelters.

orphans taking their afternoon nap in benches...

tender loving care 

 These children are given time to explore their talents....music and artistic skill developments are encouraged. They are like one big happy family in this home. During my stay with them they  showcased their singing and dancing talents by doing an impromptu presentation for me.  Watch the video below and you'll see what I mean .....

Please click photo to watch video

Here's the lyrics of the song MAHIWAGA performed/interpreted by the children...and its approximate English translation for the benefit of the non-Tagalog speakers.

Mahiwaga                                         Mysterious (can also be translated as Miracle) 

Mahiwaga ang buhay ng tao                              Man's life is a mystery (or miracle)
Ang bukas ay di natin piho                                The future is not in our control(or we don't know the future)
At manalig lagi sana tayo                                   Let us always trust...
Ang Diyos siyang pag-asa ng mundo                 God is the hope of this world
Pag-ibig sa ating kapwa tao                              Love for our fellowmen...  
At laging magmahalan tayo                                ...and  love for each other
Iyan ang lunas at ligaya                                      That's the happiness...
At pag-asa ng bawa't kaluluwa                          ...and hope of every soul
Iyan ang hiwaga ng buhay ng tao                       That's the mystery of the human

General Santos City, South Cotabato  
 the children of  St. Gemma's orphanage in Gen. Santos City, South Cotabato

Hundreds of the street children end up in the orphanages or halfway houses where they receive care, education and opportunity for a bright future.  However, there are still thousands roaming our streets today...if we can only take away one more child out of the street today,  it will be potentially one saved soul in the future.   Every child taken out of the street is one less potential problem for society....

Calapan, Oriental Mindoro